Field Day

We are excited to host Field Day on Monday, May 20th! This end-of-year event is a special tradition at our school! This year, we have a decades theme. Please see the decades assigned by grade level below:

  • Kindergarten: 70’s

  • 1st Grade: 90’s

  • 2nd Grade: 80’s

  • 3rd Grade: 70’s

  • 4th Grade: 90’s

  • 5th Grade: 80’s


Volunteers are important to successfully put on Field Day! To sign up to volunteer for Field Day, please complete the SignUp Genius Form (this link has been updated). All volunteers must have a background check on file to participate. Most volunteers will be partnered with another volunteer to share the directions and lead activities for a station. During the morning activities, some 5th graders will be volunteering and leading the stations with adult volunteers.

Morning volunteers should plan to arrive through the northeast gate between 7:50 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. to receive instructions prior to the beginning of Field Day. Afternoon volunteers should plan to arrive through the northeast gates by 11:15 a.m. A volunteer check-in table will be located near the northeast entrance. We appreciate your willingness to volunteer for this event!


  • Attire: Keeping with tradition, students are welcome to dress in athletic attire, decade attire by grade level (see above), or as twins with another student in their grade level. Please be cognizant of the weather and plan your child’s attire accordingly. All students should wear athletic shoes to keep them safe and allow for full participation.

  • Sunscreen: Sunscreen should be applied at home.

  • What to Bring: Students should bring a water bottle to stay hydrated during the day.


Entering Field Day 

All guests who have completed a background check will be permitted to enter through the open gate on the northeast corner of the school property. Gates will open at 8:10 a.m.  There will be a FastPass line and a non-FastPass line. If guests arrive without a current background check, they will need to enter through the front office. To complete a background check, please click here. Guests will rotate with their student’s class during the activities. 

Exiting Field Day 

Guests will be asked to exit through the northeast gate after the morning and/or afternoon sessions are complete. This year, there will be no family lunch because students will return to their classrooms for instruction. The northeast gate will close at 2:30 p.m.

Student Check-Out Process

Please keep in mind that instruction will occur before and after your child’s Field Day; therefore, students will return to their classroom after their designated field day time. Parents are encouraged to pick up at the end of the day during normal dismissal time. 

If a parent would like to check their child out after the event, they will need to have an early dismissal slip from the classroom teacher. If the parent takes a student directly from the field area (not a classroom) and has a dismissal slip, they may exit the northeast gate. 

If a parent wishes to check out additional children in classrooms, please go to each classroom to collect the early dismissal slips from the teachers and then exit through the northeast gate. The northeast gate will close at 2:30 p.m.

If exiting with an early dismissal slip after 2:30 p.m., please exit through either the main or east doors. 

Inclement Weather

If Field Day plans need to be altered due to inclement weather, activities will be moved indoors, and activities will be simplified for the available space. Due to space limitations, only volunteers will be allowed to attend the event. 

For questions, please contact Ms. Ellis!