Character Education at Windsor Charter Academy

The Eight Keys of Excellence (Grades K-8)

While academics are essential at Windsor Charter Academy, citizenship is an equal component as well.  WCA students use the Eight Keys of Excellence by Quantum Learning.  All of our students are held accountable for both their behavior and their academic growth.

The Eight Keys to Excellence support the overarching theme of respect.

Integrity:  These beliefs are being honest, telling the truth, keeping promises, being loyal, and reliable.

Failure Leads to Success:  This trait allows students to excel without fear of making mistakes.  It is important to learn from our mistakes and improve our systems.  Failures are opportunities for growth.

Speak with Good Purpose:  Students should speak positively and with good intent.  The development of safe, honest, and direct communication is promoted at WCA.

This Is It!:  By making the most of every moment, students pay attention and maintain a positive attitude.

Commitment:  Students do whatever it takes to get the job done.  Commitment means we can count on each other to keep our word.

Ownership:  Ownership is the ability to be counted on and the willingness to take responsibility for the choices we make.

Flexibility:  Flexibility is being prepared for change and having the willingness to do things differently to achieve desired outcomes.

Balance:  Balance means we are happy, healthy, and productive, because our mind, body, and emotions are in alignment.

The Eight Keys of Excellence Family Program

The Eight Keys of Excellence Family program deepens family relationships, opens lines of communication, and provides young people with eight proven life principles. Families can register for The Eight Keys of Excellence Family Program on their website and download the Program Packet. This will provide weekly focus keys, lessons, and activities to reinforce the Eight Keys at home.

The Habits of Mind (Grades 9-12)

At the high school level, students use the Habits of Mind as their character education program. Habits of Mind are dispositions or thinking behaviors that can be used navigate a complex world. Students can use these habits when they face challenges where answers may not be immediately apparent. The habits are intentionally framed in positive, growth-oriented language. Each states a positive behavior and each starts with a verb that ends in “ing” to signify that it is always a behavior we can get better at and grow with. This lifelong framework is dedicated growing cognitive, social, and emotional development for students.