Cheer Team Marches in the Harvest Festival Parade

Windsor Charter Academy Middle & High School Cheer Teams marched in the Harvest Festival Parade! At WCA’s booth set up at the fair, our cheerleaders painted hundreds of children’s faces at their face painting booth! Our teams saw many of the school’s parents and students!

Alyssa S. was named the Scheels Student Athlete of the Week! Alyssa is one of our 2021-2022 co-captains. Alyssa joined the team in the middle of 7th grade and has been cheering for almost two years. She only wishes she joined the cheer team sooner! Alyssa has a strong Firebird spirit and encourages positivity in those around her!

Our cheerleaders are getting excited for homecoming week. They hope to show Firebird fans a few stunts they’ve been working on. Our team has split into two because we have 33 members - too many to fit on the sidelines at every game!
